Launching robotics course!!

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Been a long time since I was here, didn’t get too much time to write anything. This post is more of an announcement than a blog post. As the robotics club head at IIT Madras, I take pride in launching of online course on Robotics. The course is open for everyone.
The rationale behind the course is it to make people learn about things that a class won’t teach them. We are concentrating on a lot of application based robotics to start with. We believe that tinkering with stuff can make you an inventor, so we would like to share our knowledge with everyone else.
The course starts from the very basics, so it can be taken up by anyone. Later, we will go ahead and cover advanced topics.
To start with, here is a list of a few course modules, I am listing them down here. We are going to keep adding more and more with time.
We are going to cover all the three areas- designing, electronics and programming as a part of this course.
You can join the course here if you are interested. The first module is already out!!

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No Responses

  1. Ashish Bajaj says:

    Nice 🙂
    Great Work

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