Tempe Crash was Uber's fault. Period.

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Autonomous cars would possibly be the most relevant example where we should talk about ethics around responsibility of computer engineers. This is software(and hardware) running the world with possible life changing consequences for the involved.
After the recent Uber self driving car crash, a lot of questions have been raised on who owns the responsibility for the incident. A video for the crash has been released which has shown that possibly the crash was unavoidable also along with some statements by the local police.
I highly disagree with the entire analysis of this incident. This has only been viewed by all media from a human perspective where it definitely seemed impossible to prevent the accident if a human was driving the car.
The major flaw in that argument is that the car wasn’t driving like a human. Any self driving car would take a lot of inputs from the environment apart from simple camera feeds. After all, why would we build autonomous cars if they couldn’t take better actions than humans?
Why I believe it’s Uber’s fault?
Any profession’s ethics dictate that the designer owns the responsibility for the event.
An engineer who designed a plane owns the responsibility of it crashing, although due to any environmental conditions. A car company owns responsibility of safety of a passenger in a crash.
What should Uber do?
I believe that Uber should come forward and take responsibility for the event irrespective of what the law determines. The police authorities are simply ill-equipped to take a decision on a matter like this.
Uber should publish all the data that was gathered by the car during the accident, and allow the scientific community to voice their opinions of whether the accident was in fact impossible to be detected. This sounds counter-productive for a business, but a real big step for currently nascent autonomous driving technology.
What if it was indeed impossible to be detected? As responsible engineers, we would need to start over again and find out what went wrong. A technology operating at this level can simply be not be allowed to have failures.
Last but not the least, let me point out this article by Bill Sourour which helped me reflect about how ethics is an important but often ignored topic in software engineering.
Update: Some more information shared by a reddit user which points to the fact that the actual video submitted might be too deceptive.

The video was quite deceptive; it was not nearly …

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