Category: Random


Tempe Crash was Uber's fault. Period.

Autonomous cars would possibly be the most relevant example where we should talk about ethics around responsibility of computer engineers. This is software(and hardware) running the world with possible life changing consequences for the...


Home NAS and VPN with Odroid XU4

A month ago, the above title was a mystery for me too. I started with a very simple goal. In layman terms, to be able to wirelessly access my files over home WiFi. Why not...


Setting up Networking in Linux without Network Manager

Yesterday, I faced this issue in Ubuntu where I accidentally uninstalled DHCP client on my system and leading to it uninstalling the Network manager too! Doing an apt-get update returned Err trusty Release.gpg...

Why you shouldn't buy Xiaomi products? 0

Why you shouldn't buy Xiaomi products?

If you are anything more than a “casual” android user, you do understand how critical is it to get new android versions on your phones, reasons ranging from new interesting features, to security to...